
Multi class Trademark Application – Trademark Registration in Tirupur

Multi Class Trademark Application: Benefits and Drawbacks

In India, law and arrangements identified with Trademarks are represented under The Trademarks Act, 1999, and the Trademarks Rules, 2002, as might be altered occasionally. Trademark registration essentially implies an imprint that is fit for being graphically addressed and might actually recognize products and additionally administrations. It is of one individual from those of others and it might incorporate the state of merchandise, bundling, shading mix and so on “Trademark” may incorporate a gadget, name, signature, word, numeric worth, the state of merchandise, bundling or shadings and mix of tones or any blend thereof. What is your exact need?. Here, in this blog we will get to know about the Multi class Trademark Application – Trademark Registration in Tirupur.

Further Section 7 of the Trademark Act, 1999, accommodates the order of labor and products as per the International Classification with the end goal of enrollment of Trademarks. To follow the said arrangement, the Trademark registration vault alludes to NICE Classification which can be gotten to here. It indicates merchandise under class 1-34 and administrations under class 35 to 45.

Registration of trademark

When your Trademark Application is documented/enrolled with the Indian Trademark Office, trademark analysts look at and support the trademark application. After the endorsement of the trademark, it is enrolled and the image can be utilized alongside the imprint, which infers that Trademark or Service Mark has been enlisted with the Indian Trademark Office.

Multi class trademark

A multi-class trademark application for trademark registration is documented to get a help mark or a trademark enrolled under at least 2 determined classes of items. It is a trademark application in which one registers the government trademark application to get their trademark enlisted in more than one classification of items.

For instance, Unilever creates and makes various items, to secure it, i.e., the brand group can record a solitary multi-class trademark application for the entirety of its comparative/related items, which may fall under multi classes.

To get trademark insurance, it is crucial for register the trademark. It isn’t as such obligatory to enroll a trademark however emphatically suggested in light of the fact that it keeps others from duplicating your imprint and distorting different items with your imprint. Trademarks assist clients with separating a brand from another, and perceive the brand and the brand esteem in a solitary look like the logo of a tick sign for Nike or a hopping wildcat for Puma, etc. Trademark enrollment is unending in nature.

In contrast to licenses, trademarks don’t have an expressly characterized constraint period. Where a patent lapses in 20 years, a trademark enrollment terminates following 10 years of its enlistment however can be recharged again for an additional 10 years. This interaction should be possible uncertainly for example however long the trademark registration is recharged; it will not terminate and will keep on being under the assurance of the Act.


Filing a multi class application has its own benefits and negative marks. The undeniable benefit is that the candidate will not need to record separate applications yet can secure an item in different classes with only one application. Furthermore, it is more successful to record a solitary multi-class application. The candidate can keep away from the issue and save time by giving out the data on only one event, without doing so on multi occasions.

Advantages of multi-class trademark application

1. Several Classes: Solitary Application-Since it is a solitary application containing various classes, the said application will be treated as a solitary application just for the applied classes, and accordingly, the classes submitted will be handled together.

2. Saves Time and Avoids Hassle-It will save time and exertion when an item has a place with numerous classes and single class applications are recorded. There should be numerous single class applications, which would should be recorded independently. Nonetheless, in a Multiple Class Application, every one of the classes the item has a place will be clubbed into a solitary application for trademark registration in Tirupur district.


1. Expanded Fees-The individual recording a various class application for trademark should pay a similar authority expense as requested by the Indian Trademark Office. The expenses for documenting a solitary class trademark application for Trademark registration remains at Rs. 3500. Nonetheless, on the off chance that a multi-class application is documented, a similar sum must be paid for each class. E.g., if the candidate needs to enlist his/her imprint under three unique classes, he/she should pay required amount that adds up to some amount as indicated by the Trade Marks Rules, 2002.

2. Protest Stays Entire Application-Since numerous classes are being submitted in a solitary application if a complaint or resistance is raised against any one class, the whole application is stopped, and enlistment is deferred.

3. Expenses and Divisional Applications-If one is recording a divisional application, then, at that point he/she should cause extra charges for the applications. A similar will take a ton of time and go through a very lumbering cycle. The Indian Trademark Office assigns separate application numbers for the partitioned classes yet doesn’t deal with these isolated applications. The motivation behind permitting the classes which are not against or had a problem with continuing further towards enrollment is crushed.


In summation, if an individual is documenting a trademark registration on their own where their items fall under various classes, then, at that point they should record a different single class application except if and until they are completely certain about the way that there will be no resistance or complaints raised against anybody class in the event that they do proceed with a multi-class application. ITO permits the accommodation of various class trademark applications, however much of the time, the advantages of utilizing a solitary class application outperform the advantages of multi class applications.

The greatest negative mark of a different class application is the dismissal of the entire application by the Trademark Registry. On the off chance that a complaint is raised, one has the alternative to petition for a divisional application for enrollment, however that will prompt more expenses for the candidate to bear, accordingly invalidating the point of an issue free involvement with entirety.


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