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Trademark registration in Tirupur

Trademark registration in Tirupur

A trademark is a unique means of separating one company from another. To put it another way, trademarks are distinctive marks that establish a company’s identity. There are various kinds of trademarks. The following are the types that businesses use the most: Name or word It is critical to take note of that Trademarks can […]

An overview of Trademark registration process in India

An overview of Trademark registration process in India

Here in this blog we have discussed about overview of Trademark registration process in India and also benefits of protecting your business mark. Chiefly, trademark is a type of intellectual property rights and it can be a word, name or symbol or combination of both, acquired by any type of business people or company in […]

How to register Trademark for your brand in India?

How to register Trademark for your brand in India?

In this blog, we will get to know about register Trademark for your brand and also the eligibility for Trademark registration. Generally, Trademark refers to a “brand” or “logo”. Trademark gives your business separate identity. It also indicate the origin as well as the quality of the goods.  A brand could be a domain name, […]

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Trademark Opposition in India – Trademark Registration in Tirupur

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Procedure and Process to Trademark Registration in Tirupur

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